Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Obama supports the working class

Oh everyone forgot, I'll remind everyone. OBAMA PASSED the new CREDIT CARD LAWS that protect working class people from bloodsucking wealthy banks. Because we all know credit card companies issues huge amounts of credit to the welfare crowd.... ITS TIME WE UNENTITLE the wealthy from our food, shelter, national resources and energy. Because god didn't make the world so wealthy robber barons could be entitled to rob the working class...... WAKE UP SHEEPLE. Profits should go to the hard working men and women who serve mankind, not the exploiting speculation leeches on Wall Street. REGULATE them into non-existence like the dinosaurs they are.

The 47%

I've noticed that the republican party has turned to fracturing Americans, and are trying to polarize American workers against each other and each others families. They want us to believe in trickle down economics, and blame each other for what Wall Street Banks did to our economy in 2008. Both parties agreed to bail out Wall Streets Billionaires and Millionaires back in 2008. Both parties were successfully lobbied for free trade agreements and deregulation of large corporations and Wall Street banking over the last 20 years. Yet the Republicans want to blame the poor, the retired, the unemployed and other victims of the deregulated international corporations, whom have outsourced America's investment capital, and therefore American Jobs. Regardless of which party you vote for, at least realize that it's not the poor, unemployed, disabled, retired, elderly, minorities and underemployed who are your enemies. As a matter of fact most of us have relatives that fall into one or more of those categories. The problem is the same super pact, greedy, self serving, lobbying, unregulated, unpatriotic super wealthy people outsourced America because profit came before people. The super wealthy don't want you to see that it's their unjust and unearned greed that is the problem and that only they benefit if they can have the working class blaming each other. Elite families like the Koch's and the Walton's to name a few need a government attitude adjustment and need to pitch in their long overdue share. Solidarity - get big business out of government and back to making American Products and Jobs.
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